Creativity Is Good For The Soul

One thing I've learned is that creativty demands space, both physical and mental as well as openess of heart and the ability to let go. Sometimes when I feel too protective of my process or too serious I know I've lost touch with why I'm being creative. For me its the pleasure of creating harmony and beauty from chaos - it means being a kid again. The process of making something means we are expressing ourselves and that feels really good. It is so easy for us to lose touch with the natural process of creativity when we live in a consumer driven culture. Everything is already made for us to buy - there is no room left for imagination. We are losing our creative connection with our hands and our ability to live more authentic lives.Too many of spend our precious time inside offices & stores, driving cars and moving too fast to feel inspired. Sometimes we forget how to do things for ourselves - creativity brings us back to our basic need to create, to express ourselves and have time to dream. The act of creating is a mysterious process and that is part of what makes it so meaningful. Playing creatively is something we all did in our childhood and for many it becomes a lost art.

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