Julie Davidson Smith - Kingston Artist
Living With Soul Means living Creatively


The Power of the Creative Process - People Are Hungry

People are hungry to express themselves, to use the creative connection between their right mind and their body. I love to work with my hands and feel the materials between my fingers.

I've been teaching creative workshops for the past 5 years to adults and its very clear to me that most people do not get enough time or opportunity to release their creative desires. I've watched people paint for 5 hours straight without a need to eat, drink or go to the bathroom. Their need to lose themselves in their process of navigating colour, form and the materials seems almost desparate. I get a thrill from watching people slowly lose their inhabitions with not only their art but with their bodies. People's eyes bulge at the site of flowing, colourful wax, they stick out their tongues with total focus as they carve into the surface and they squint their eyes making funny faces to see their creations with a fresh perspective. I witness time and time again groups of people who are starved for playful self expression and time just for themselves. It is wonderful for me to see so many people excited about their creative process. For many its like a little birth in my studio and I'm the midwife coaxing out their new baby; a fresh peice of art born again and again. We are all creative in one way or another. It could be the way we dress, how we think or the marks we make - we are all unique and our creativity is part of that.

 Upcoming Encaustic Workshops 2012www.creativeencaustics.com

Encaustic Intro Level 1
Encaustic Level 2
Encaustics & Photography
Creative-4-Play Women's Open Studio Series
Pregnant Picassos

Living With Soul Means Doing What You Love Things Big & Small - Keep It Simple

Black & white photo above by Chris Cornish - I've flipped and doubled the image for impact.

Feed Your Soul - Share Your Ideas - Blossom

Dream, let your mind wander - see how your shadow moves on a sunny day.

Inspiring Websites
Music, Art, People & Local Events

Art I find Interesting:

Painter Tom Hammick


Art:21 Kiki Smith VIDEO www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNLW4Nubs0c

Louise Bourgeois: The Spider, The Mistress and The Tangerine

VIDEO: www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMdWNwOWnng

Art:21 Nancy Spero Becoming an Artist

Arno Rafael Minkken
Haunting black & white photography

More Photography

Local Artist Links:
Julie Davidson Smith - Visual Artist www.juliedavidsonsmith.com
Alana Kapell - Multi-media http://www.alanakapell.net/
Su Sheedy - Encaustic artist http://www.susheedy.com/
Simon Andrew - Painter http://www.simonandrew.com/
Don Maynard - Encaustic paintings
Shayne Dark - Sculptor http://www.shaynedark.com/
Andrea Graham - Feltmaker/Fiber artist http://www.andrea-graham.com/
Linsdey Fair - Beach Glass Artist http://www.lindseyfair.ca/
Stefan Duerst - Architectural Blacksmith http://www.duerst.ca/
Jane Thelwell - Potter http://www.anglinbaypottery.ca/
Michele Larose - Painter http://www.michelelarose.ca/
Sharon Thompson - Painter http://www.sharonthompson.ca/

Local Events:
Soulful Singing in Kingston at the Lila centre or in Wendy's home, a wonderful place for voices waiting to be heard.

Creative & Spiritual Retreats

Artist's Resources

Gwartsman's Canvas & Art Supplies

448 Spadina Ave
Toronto, ON
M5T 2G8
(416) 922-5429

Art:21 PBS SERIES : Artist documentaries about artist's and their process - very inspiring

Kingston Arts Council http://www.artskingston.com/
Canada Arts Council http://www.canadacouncil.ca/
Canada Arts Council Grants www.canadacouncil.ca/grants/
CARFAC Canadian Artists Representation http://www.carfac.ca/
Federation of Canadian Artists http://www.artists.ca/

Kingston's Women Arts Festival http://www.womensartfestivalkingston.ca/

Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition www.torontooutdoorart.org
The Queen West Art Crawl www.queenwestartcrawl.com

Woman entrepreneurs sharing stories of how they made their creative dreams come true http://www.anothergirlatplay.com/

Listen to this perfect song/video all about art and being creative, it's Canadian - I love it!

Creativity Is Good For The Soul

One thing I've learned is that creativty demands space, both physical and mental as well as openess of heart and the ability to let go. Sometimes when I feel too protective of my process or too serious I know I've lost touch with why I'm being creative. For me its the pleasure of creating harmony and beauty from chaos - it means being a kid again. The process of making something means we are expressing ourselves and that feels really good. It is so easy for us to lose touch with the natural process of creativity when we live in a consumer driven culture. Everything is already made for us to buy - there is no room left for imagination. We are losing our creative connection with our hands and our ability to live more authentic lives.Too many of spend our precious time inside offices & stores, driving cars and moving too fast to feel inspired. Sometimes we forget how to do things for ourselves - creativity brings us back to our basic need to create, to express ourselves and have time to dream. The act of creating is a mysterious process and that is part of what makes it so meaningful. Playing creatively is something we all did in our childhood and for many it becomes a lost art.